Terms of Use

The information provided on web site Drdebrakessler.com is for general informational and educational use only and is subject to the following terms and conditions. By accessing and using this web site, you acknowledge and accept, without limitation or qualification, this Terms of Use Agreement. If you do not wish to be bound by this agreement, you may not access or use any materials on this web site.

Scope of Use. Drdebrakessler.com maintains this web site for your personal information and education. The information, documents and related graphics are available for your personal use, provided that the materials are not modified in any way and all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the provided materials are maintained. This web site and all its contents are intended to comply with United States laws that it may be subject to and drdebrakessler.com makes no representation that the information is appropriate for use in locations outside of the United States. Other countries may have laws and regulatory requirements that differ from those in the U.S. Those who access this site from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible to comply with applicable local laws and regulations. Any offer, product, or service available through this web site is void where prohibited.

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Modifications. Drdebrakessler.com reserves the right to revise the terms and conditions of this agreement at any time without notice and such changes will be deemed effective upon posting. Continued use of the web site following posting of an amended Terms of Use will indicate acceptance of such changes and therefore, this agreement should periodically be reviewed.